Friday, May 11, 2012

Operation: Skinny Diggity

On May 1, poker pro Sorel Mizzi issued a challenge to the poker community.  He had found recent success in changing his lifestyle and losing weight and found that it directly affected his poker game in a positive way.  His challenge was open to anyone willing to participate.  Basically, get on a 90-day weight loss/fitness program and blog about how it changes your life and affects your poker game.  Each entry would be judged by Sorel and two fitness gurus.  The winner would win a year of free coaching from Sorel, along with the possibility for continued coaching and even a backing arrangement.

That sounds pretty amazing, and I decided to do it.  After all, what did I have to lose (other than the extra 30-40 lbs I've been carrying around for way too long)?

I was explaining the challenge to a co-worker of mine and she asked me where he was from.  I couldn't tell her, so I Googled him when I got home and this is what I found...

Cheating?  For real?  I went ahead and clicked "sorel mizzi cheating" and got a list of sites referencing numerous occasions in which he allegedly cheated...

After reading a few articles, it looks like he's admitted to two online scams while the incident with John Racener is still being debated.

I've known how being overweight has affected my mindset and depression over the last few years.  I thought this would be a great opportunity to have some motivation to get fit, especially with the potential reward of free coaching from a pro with a significant amount of success.  But I'll be damned if I'm going to be associated with a known cheater.

So, to steal a line from one of my favorite movies, "You don't help me now, I say "fuck you" Jobu. I do it myself."

I don't need the promise of free coaching to help me get in better shape.  I just need to understand that it's what is best for me.  Back in 2008 I was in a good habit of going to the gym very regularly and lost about 30 lbs in three months.  I got off track and I've slowly been putting it back on over the last three years.  Right now I weigh 210 lbs, with my goal being 180.  I've started cooking at home again.  Two days ago I played my first softball game in about 10 years (further motivation) and yesterday I went for a run for the first time in about seven.  I would have gone to the gym today, but I'm so sore I can barely move.  But it's a good sore.

Here are some "before" pics I took so I can track my progress (not for the feint of heart, lol)...

I can't wait to be skinny(er) again and I really can't wait to see how exercising helps my mental game when it comes to poker.